History of GERnétic

The GERnetic story…

It all began in a well-known Parisian hospital burns unit where French biologist, Albert Laporte, was confronted with a challenge. Met with the need to assist the swift healing process of burns and accidents, Albert Laporte was inspired to create a formula to enhance the skin’s immunity and ability to regenerate. As the skin began to revive and the health of the epidermis was restored, the beauty of the skin improved at once, as if in perfect harmony. In that moment, a dynamic, powerful range of skin care products was born.
GERnétic offers an innovative skin care brand for all skin types. Made in a chateau in the South West of France near Bordeaux, the 100% natural GERnetic range remains true to its ecological surroundings throughout production. Alongside our transformative treatments, our skin care range includes anti-wrinkle, anti-ageing and anti-acne scarring products.

While miraculous, this unique formula was by no means a fortuitous discovery. GERnetic is built on the solid foundations of twenty years of scientific research into cellular therapy, biology and gerontology – the study of cellular changes throughout the ageing process. Laporte recognised the potential of amino acids, peptides, proteins, vitamins and trace elements as key ingredients for a healthy, vibrant skin. Armed with a deep understanding of the skin’s unparalleled ability to regenerate when given the right nutritional molecules, Laporte set about establishing skin care products that naturally improve the health and appearance of the skin.
GERnétic has been known as one of beauty’s best kept secrets for over forty years. It is a specialist range well known in 52 countries for innovating top quality products. Marguerite Thorpe was one of the first to introduce cellular therapy – nutrition through the skin – to the UK in 1983, where GERnétic continues to use science in the service of beauty.

